Plan your professional development by checking out the Centre for Palliative Care Masterclass program! Post grad level education, most classes are online.
All Masterclasses provide certificates of CPD hours.
The Centre for Palliative Care is committed to providing educational opportunities for clinicians working in specialist palliative care settings as well as those who work in care settings where patients will benefit from a palliative approach to care.
All teaching is provided by clinicians and educators who are experienced and passionate about palliative care. The program content is evidence based and informed by clinical practice.
You are welcome to register for one or more of the Masterclasses on offer.
All participants will receive a certificate of CPD hours for each Masterclass they attend.
Masterclass Program
Advanced Communication Skills
This advanced practice Masterclass will provide an opportunity to learn evidence-based communication skills and frameworks that you can use in your clinical practice. Held over 2 sessions, plus-self paced learning.
Delivered online - $495 - July 2023
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Pain Assessment of the Palliative Patient
This Masterclass is a must for those looking to enhance their skills, knowledge and competence in the process of conducting a pain assessment for a palliative care patient
Delivered online - $385 - 5 September 2023
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Physical Assessment of the Palliative Patient
This Masterclass is a must for experienced nurses looking to enhance their skills and knowledge in the process of conducting a physical assessment for a palliative care patient.
Location - Caritas Christi, 104 Studley Park Rd, Kew VIC 3101 - and regional sites (check when booking) - various dates
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End of Life Care
This advanced practice masterclass is a must for clinicians supporting people dying in any care setting, and their families.
Delivered online - $400 - 7 March 2023
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Clinical Ethics
This masterclass will enhance clinician understanding of ethics as they apply to life limiting illness and calibrating a person’s goals of care in the context of palliative and end-of-life-care.
Delivered online - $385 - 9 May 2023
Register now
How to register
Registrations are now open!
A link for virtual Masterclasses will be sent out to registrants closer to the event.
Contact CPCEducation
Contact us on +61 3 9416 0000 or
Contact the Centre
Contact us on +61 3 9416 0000 or