Dialog Box


Cashin, A., Stasa, H., Dunn, S.V., Pont, L. and Buckley, T., 2014. Nurse practitioner prescribing practice in Australia: Confidence in aspects of medication management. International journal of nursing practice, 20(1), pp.1-7.

Fong, J., Buckley, T. and Cashin, A., 2015. Nurse practitioner prescribing: an international perspective. Nursing: Research and Reviews, 5, pp.99-108. Lacny, S., Zarrabi, M., MartinMisener, R., Donald, F., Sketris, I., Murphy, A.L., DiCenso, A. and Marshall, D.A., 2016. Costeffectiveness of a nurse practitionerfamily physician model of care in a nursing home: controlled before and after study. Journal of advanced nursing, 72(9), pp.2138-2152.

Maier, C.B., Barnes, H., Aiken, L.H. and Busse, R., 2016. Descriptive, cross-country analysis of the nurse practitioner workforce in six countries: size, growth, physician substitution potential. BMJ open, 6(9), p.e011901.

Mitchell, G.K., Senior, H.E., Bibo, M.P., Makoni, B., Young, S.N., Rosenberg, J.P. and Yates, P., 2016. Evaluation of a pilot of nurse practitioner led, GP supported rural palliative care provision. BMC palliative care, 15(1), p.93.

Middleton, S., Gardner, A., Della, P.R., Lam, L., Allnutt, N. and Gardner, G., 2016. How has the profile of Australian nurse practitioners changed over time?. Collegian, 23(1), pp.69-77.

O'Connor, M., Palfreyman, S., Le, B. and Lau, R., 2016. Establishing a nurse practitioner model to enhance continuity between palliative care settings. International journal of palliative nursing, 22(12), pp.581-585.

Opitz, S.E. and Hebert, R.S., 2018. Nurse Practitioners as Disruptive Innovators in Palliative Medicine. Journal of palliative care, 33(4), pp.191-193.

Scanlon, A., Cashin, A., Bryce, J., Kelly, J.G. and Buckely, T., 2016. The complexities of defining nurse practitioner scope of practice in the Australian context. Collegian, 23(1), pp.129-142.

Van Dusseldorp, L., Groot, M., Adriaansen, M., van Vught, A., Vissers, K. and Peters, J., 2018. What does the nurse practitioner mean to you? A patient oriented qualitative study in oncological/palliative care. Journal of clinical nursing.

Walling, A.M., D’Ambruoso, S.F., Malin, J.L., Hurvitz, S., Zisser, A., Coscarelli, A., Clarke, R., Hackbarth, A., Pietras, C., Watts, F. and Ferrell, B., 2017. Effect and efficiency of an embedded palliative care nurse practitioner in an oncology clinic. Journal of oncology practice, 13(9), pp.e792-e799.
